Monday, October 2, 2017

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot Posts iy"H coming soon!


Hi there!

I hope you had a wonderful High Holidays experience! 

I would like to give you my heartfelt wishes for a sweet, healthy, joyous and meaningful New Year, overflowing with revealed blessing and good from G-d, for you and your loved ones.

In terms of my sharing a few insights in honor of the Yamim Tovim... I am running a bit 'behind-schedule'.  But, b'ezras Hashem (with G-d's help), they will all come out in good time!  I haven't forgotten them.  I hope they will perhaps bring to you relevant and inspiring messages that you can carry with you throughout the year.

Gut Yuntif/Chag Sameach/Happy Sukkot!

Tzipporah @ Script and Spirit


  1. Best wishes to you too and yashir co'ach for your inspirational words of wisdom relating today's modern condition to our ancient texts.

    1. BS"D

      Much thanks for the wonderful encouragement and support!
