Friday, October 20, 2017

Parashas Noach: Don't Let The World Tell You What To Do.

Parashas Noach: 

Don't Let The World Tell You What To Do.

In this week's Parsha, we learn about an incredible man: Noach. The Torah says about him:
"Noach was a Tzaddik. He was [like a] perfect [man] in his generations; Noach walked with God." (Barashis 6:9)

Now we don't really realize how hard that was! The Torah says later on "the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth became full of robbery." (Barashis 6:11)

Imagine! Everybody on earth is robbers and liars. How would that have an influence on everybody else? A very bad one indeed. Yet the Torah says that "Noach was a Tzaddik." Do we really know what that means?

The Torah said before, in the last Parasha, that "
Noah was six hundred years old, and the flood came about, water upon the earth." (Barashis 7:6) That means that for five hundred years, Noach ignored the bad around him, and only focused on G-D!

What is the lesson from this? From Noach, we learn not to let our bad surroundings influence us. For if we do, we would be just like the people in Noach's times.

By not letting our bad surroundings influence us, not only are we not able to let other negative surrounds influence us but we could even influence others! 

Through this, may we prepare the world for the coming of Mashiach, may it happen now!!!

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