Hello, and welcome to my new blog, Script and Spirit!
Using this blog, with Hashem's help, I hope to share with you posts, expounding upon insights on Parshat HaShavua (the weekly Torah portion), and our beloved chags and holidays, corralled from many inspiring sources.
Unfortunately, many people study the text of our beloved Torah, but fail to ingrain the lessons within themselves-- without drawing the soul and spirit from the words, like life-sustaining water from a spring. We need that spirit, sustaining us from week to week, year to year, and into eternity, to live with the inspiration, light, and action, that our loving Father in Heaven requires for His beloved Children.
I hope you find some light and excitement here, and thank you for coming to learn Torah with me, our delightful Torah, as we bring the script to meet our souls, with life and with spirit.
Tzipporah Prottas
You have unbelievable insight and illumination for such a young neshama - G-d give your strength to continue on with your G-d given talent to teach and inspire!